The question of God's existence has preoccupied man's mind for many centuries.
As we look around in our environments, one often wonders at the beauties of
nature with its scenic charm and marvels; the almost endless horizons in the sky and their far-reaching expansions; the ceaseless succession of day and night in the most orderly manner; the course of the sun, the moon, and the great stars; the world of animate and inanimate objects, the continuous process and evolution of man, generation after generation.

Can we find an explanation of the great universe? Is there any convincing interpretation of the secret of existence? The universe exists and functions in the most orderly manner, and that it has survived for hundreds of thousands of years.
We realise that no family can function properly without a responsible head, that no city can prosperously exist without sound administration, and that no state can survive without a chief of some kind. We also realise that nothing comes into being on its own.
Can we, then, say that all this is accidental and haphazard? Or can we attribute the existence of man and the whole world to mere chance?
If man were to come into being by accident or by sheer chance, his entire life would be based on chance, and his whole existence would be meaningless, and no rational being would leave his existence at the mercy of fluctuating chance.
Every reasonable human being tries to make his life as meaningful as possible and set for himself a model of conduct according to some design. Individuals, groups and nations do plan their course of action. And every careful plan produces some desired effects. The fact of the matter is that man does engage in planning of one sort or another, and can appreciate the merits of good planning.
Yet man represents only a very small portion of the great universe. And if he can make plans and appreciate the merits of planning, then his own existence and the survival of the universe must also be based on a planned policy.
This means that there is a Designing Will behind our material existence, and that there is a Unique Mind in the world to bring things into being and keep them moving in order. The marvellous wonders of our world and the secrets of life are too great to be the product of random accident or mere chance. In the world, then there must be a Great Force in action to keep everything in order.
In the beautiful nature there must be a Great Artist who creates the most charming pieces of art and produces everything for a special purpose in life. This Force is the strongest of all forces, and this Artist is the greatest of all artists.
In the beautiful nature there must be a Great Artist who creates the most charming pieces of art and produces everything for a special purpose in life. This Force is the strongest of all forces, and this Artist is the greatest of all artists.
The true believers and deeply enlightened people recognise this Artist and call Him GOD.
He is not a man because no man can create or make another man.
He is not an animal, nor is He a plant. He is neither an idol nor is He a statue of any kind because none of these things can make itself or create anything else.
He is neither the sun nor is He the moon or any other star, because these things are controlled by a great system, and are themselves made by someone else.
He is different from all these things, because He is the Maker and Keeper of them all. The maker of anything must be different from and greater than the thing which he makes.
.This is the secret of all secrets and the Most Supreme of all beings. The Holy Qu'ran, the True Book of God (His True and Real Name - Allah) say's:
Belief in God. He is one, has no partner or son, and neither gives birth, nor is He born. His great power alone can provide mankind with the best Possible explanation of many mysterious things in life.
This is the safest way to true knowledge and spiritual insight, the right path to good behaviour and sound morals, the surest guide to happiness and prosperity.
Take some time! Let us think!!
Why do I exist? What purpose I am here on earth?
The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a Supreme Being who created them. Design indicates a designer.
The variety and complexity of the intricate systems which constitute the fabric of both human beings and the world in which they exist indicate that there must have been a Supreme Being who created them. Design indicates a designer.
Since purposeful action is a natural product of human intelligence, we conclude that the Supreme Intelligent Being who created them must have done so for a specific purpose.

The illustration shows the GOD's path and the different directions of human life which have been formed/ created/ introduced by the weak human knowledge/ imagination/ fault-understandings.
The CHANGE; is the process of RETURN from any diverted life-style towards the GOD's path.
The CHANGE; is the process of RETURN from any diverted life-style towards the GOD's path.
The processes of CHANGE could be beginning with following steps.
Think your-self & the universe and realize the existence of GOD.
Understand His attributes and His Guidance for your life.
Immediately cease any attitudes/ behaviors/ actions which are violating the Guidance of GOD.
Regret for the past and pray for the right Guidance.
Quest for the right Guidance and identify the best attitudes, behaviors and actions.
Once you find,
Make determination to not to return to the past life style and steadfast for GOOD CHANGE.
To understand the essence of the CHANGE, one must understand the relationship between man and God.
The God is the Creator; to Him alone therefore belongs the kingdom and He is the only sovereign. To Him alone, therefore, as his only Lord and Master, man must submit his entire being.
God is the only true Provider. It is He who has bestowed on man such faculties and capabilities as seeing, hearing, thinking and articulating - attributes which man cannot live without, but which he cannot create for himself. It is He who has made available the resources of the external world which man may discover, exploit and develop but, again, cannot create.
Yet surely man's greatest need is to know how to live his life so as to fulfill successfully the purpose of his creation; how to relate himself to his Creator, to his own self, to his fellow human beings and to everything around him.
To Him alone he must therefore turn to seek guidance. For there is no one apart from or beside Him who can truly provide answers to man's eternal questions or is capable of guiding him. All else can only be speculation and conjecture. And why should the One who has provided even for man's most trivial material needs not also have provided for his more important moral and spiritual needs?
It was to provide for this greatest human need that God sent His Prophets from amongst men in all ages and to all nations, bringing them the light of the divine guidance revealed to them. Among them were Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. And Muhammad was the last of them, in no way different or new (May God bless all of them).
'He has laid down for you the Way that He entrusted to Noah, and that we have revealed to you, and that we entrusted to Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Establish fully the Way and follow not different ways' (Qur’an - 42: 13).
Man's relationship to God is submitting to Him by following His will and guidance as brought by His prophets. But this submission must be total and all-embracing.
No part of his life can be exempt from the need of divine guidance or from the writ of divine sovereignty. God and His lordship and sovereignty are indivisible; and so is man's life in its submission to Him. It would indeed be an imperfect God who could only be experienced or related to in the realm of the spirit or the provision of material needs like one's daily bread-a God unconcerned, uncaring or incompetent to help man in the more arduous and complex task of living his life.
Him he worships; Him he invokes; Him he depends upon; Him he trusts; Him he seeks; and, equally important, Him he obeys. Man has been given the freedom to reject God; but, once having accepted Him, he must follow His guidance. He is not free to follow one part of it and ignore another, or to seek guidance from sources other than God. Denial of part is denial of the whole.
The act of total submission to God in no way diminishes human dignity, freedom and responsibility. Indeed, in submitting to God, all the chains and shackles of every form of serfdom, servility and bondage are broken, whether they are to other men, to ideas, to nature, to man- made objects or to institutions. For before the affirmation of One God must come the forsaking of every false god.
More importantly, total submission to God elevates man to the state of vice-regency, whereby he is accorded the highest place on earth by being endowed with reason, articulation, volition, freedom and responsibility.
Source: The Way to GOD (Book)
The GOD Who is the Creator, the Ruler and the Lord of the entire Universe has created man and provided him with temporary station in that part of His vast kingdom (cosmos) which is known as the earth.
He has endowed man with the faculties of thinking and understanding, and has given him the power to distinguish right from wrong. Man has also been invested with freedom of will and choice and the power to use the resources of the world in any manner he likes. In short, man has been given a sort of autonomy while being appointed by God on earth as a successor to the beings that had previously populated it.
Before assigning to man the inheritance of the earth, God made it explicitly clear to him that He alone is the Lord, the Ruler and the Deity. As such, the entire Universe and all the creatures in it (including man) must submit to Him alone. Man must not think him-self totally free and should know that this earth is not his permanent abode. He has been made to live upon it only during the period of his probation, and in due course, he will return to his Lord, to be judged according to the way he has utilized the period of probation.
The only right course for man is to acknowledge GOD, the Sustainer and the Deity and to follow His Guidance and His Commands in all walks of life. Man must live this life with the realization that he is to be judged and his sole objective should be to merit the pleasure of GOD so as to emerge successful in the final test. Conduct which is contrary to this would lead man astray.
If man follows the course of piety and Godliness (which he is free to choose and follow) he will succeed in this world and in the next, in this world he will live a life of peace and contentment, and in the Hereafter he will qualify himself for the heaven of eternal bliss, Paradise. And if he chooses to follow the other course, i.e., that of Godlessness and evil (which he is equally free to choose and follow) his life will be one of corruption, disruption and frustration in this world and he will meet colossal misfortune in the life to come - that abode of pain and misery which is called Hell.
After administering the warning, God set man upon the earth and provided the very first human beings (Adam and Eve) with Guidance in accordance with which men were to live on the earth.
Thus, man's life on this earth did not begin in utter darkness. The very first man was provided with a burning torch of light and guidance so that humanity might attain its glorious destiny. The very first man received revealed knowledge from God Himself. He had knowledge of the reality and was given the code of life by following which he could live a life of bliss and success.
But later generations gradually drifted away from the right path and adopted different erroneous paths. Because of negligence, they lost the original teachings, or due to folly or mischief they adulterated and perverted them.
- They associated with God innumerable human beings, non-human objects and imaginary entities as deities and indulged in polytheism of the worst type.
- They mixed up the pure teachings of God with strange myths, ideas and philosophies and thus produced a jungle of religions and cults.
- They discarded the God-given principles of social ethics and collective morality, and deprived the human life of peace and tranquillity.
Although men departed from the path of truth, disregarded and distorted the guidance and some of them even revolted against the code of Divine Guidance, yet God did not destroy them or force them to the right course. Forced conversion to the right path was not in keeping with the autonomy He had given to man.
Instead, God appointed certain virtuous persons from amongst the people themselves, to discharge the responsibility of recalling and guiding men to the right path during their sojourn on the earth. These men believed in God, and lived a life of obedience to Him. He honoured them by His revelations and gave them the knowledge of reality. These men, known as prophets – Abraham, David, Solomon, Joseph, Moses, Jesus etc, (peace be upon all of them), were assigned the task of presenting the message of truth to humanity and of asking the people to come to the path of the Lord.
These prophets were raised in all epochs, in all lands and in all nations. All of them brought the same message, all of them advocated the same way of life i.e., the way which was revealed to man on the first day of his existence. All of them followed the same guidance: the guidance which was prescribed by the Lord for man at the outset of his career on the earth. All of them stood for the same mission: they called men to the religion of GOD, asked those who accepted the Divine Guidance to live in accordance with it: and organized them into a movement for the establishment of the Divine Law, and for putting an end to all deviations from the Right Path.
Every prophet tried to fulfil this mission in the best possible way. But quite a number of people never accepted this guidance and many of those who accepted it gradually drifted astray and, at lapse of time lost the guidance or distorted it through innovations and perversions.
At last, God raised Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) in the land of Arabia and assigned to him the completion of the mission for which earlier prophets were ordained. The message of Mohammed (peace be upon him) was for the whole of mankind. He presented the teachings of GOD in their pristine form and provided mankind once again, with the Divine Guidance which they had lost in its original form. He organized all those who accepted his message into one Nation which was charged with reconstructing its own life in accordance with the teachings of GOD, by calling mankind to the path of righteousness and with establishing the supremacy of the word of God on the earth.
This guidance is enshrined in the Holy Qur'an which constitutes the only right code of conduct for mankind.
Source: Islamic Way of Life - (Book)
Source: Islamic Way of Life - (Book)
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